
Showing posts from 2020

Self improvement with God

What is self-improvement, 3 ways self-improvement can change your life, 10 self- improvement musts, where do I start self-improvement? If you want the answers to these statements. Please make yourself comfortable with a cup of coffee or glass of wine, because in this blog we ( yes, you also ) will try and figure out the basics of self-improvement with God and why it's important to keep pushing yourself to be better every day. (every single day )  Alright, ladies and gents when you are ready and comfortable. Let's start with the meaning behind self-improvement. Cambridge Dictionary's definition states that self- improvement is the activity of learning new things on your own that make you a more skilled or able person. Remember,   there is more definitions of self-improvement, but for now, let us stick with this one. The words that stand out are learning, new things, your own (alone), skilled. We can use these words to create the 4 pillars to self-improvement.  The 4 pillar...


Okay, I think we can all agree that banana bread should be banned from shelves. Why? you may ask. If you have not been baking banana bread for the last couple of weeks or even months. The real question you should ask yourself is: Have you even been quarantining? because banana bread is all over the internet Susan. You get the original banana recipe then you get the banana and strawberry recipe ( I know, I know. Let's blame quartine for that one ) then you get the pecan and oatmeal ( actually not bad). The point I'm trying to make is that there are enough banana bread recipes to keep you busy.  Maybe it's not just the banana bread that went a little too far this year. Did we forget the fitness people who could not handle the no jogging period in quarantine, so instead they took the option B, they ran a marathon on a 7meter balcony, and then there are some of us that can't even look at our gym clothes without crying. Yes, I understand not all of us can be crazy about fitn...