what she wants

"she's dangerous because she knows what she wants"

They told me she is going away ,they told me she is never coming back she is leaving without even saying goodbye . Why did she leave without saying goodbye , I don't understand .

Maybe it was time for a break , or that's what I hoped the answer was . I believe that she is going to do great because she knows what she wants and that my dear friend is a dangerous thing , the ability to move on not knowing what the future holds . She needed to be free , life was waiting for her and I trusted that life as we know will treat her well.

She taught me what it means to be a woman ,something more then just make-up and short dresses , she taught me to love myself , my flaws first and then my strong points .

Maybe ,just maybe we will meet again , but for now it's goodbye .

the girl who loved her flaws first .


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