Quick and easy omelette recipe.

The story of the omelette...
Okay so you have tried cereal, shakes or whatever is in your food cupboard for breakfast. With the hopes that it will keep you full until lunch time, but nothing seems to work.Before you know it, you are walking towards the vending machine and staring that not so lite energy bar in the face Well maybe I have something that can help you with that.The Omelette my dear.It can be the cure for your crumbling tummy.

Yeah I know everybody is familiar with the omelette. Some will say it's is to difficult to make, because it flops every time(well don't go and be fancy with your weird recipes, stick with your moms traditional 3 eggs and cheese one  ). So you have watched countless youtube videos and searched "easy omelette" recipes but none of this seems to work for you. Maybe this recipe is the one..


Serves 2


6 large eggs
1 handful bacon or ham, cooked
1 tbsp flat-leaf parsley, leaves
1 handful edam cheese, gratted
1 1/2 tbsp of Milk
1 tbsp of butter
salt and pepper
paprika (optional)

(focus now !)
1.Calm down you are going to do great....
season the beaten eggs with salt,pepper and paprika ( Not too much. We don't want people to go to the hospital for high blood pressure, because you can't control yourself with the salt.).Heat the pan with oil and butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium low heat until the butter has melted and is foamy.

2.You are doing great if you have come this far..
Pour the eggs into the pan make sure the eggs cover the surface of the pan completely. Let it cook for about 20sec ( not 3min) then scrape a line through the middle with a spatula

3.Okay it's almost there..
Tilt the pan again to allow it to fill back up with the runny eggs.Repeat once or twice more until you can see that the eggs has set

4.It's the final countdown...to the best omelette in town
At this point you can fill the omelette whit whatever you feel like- some chopped mushrooms, grated cheese, fresh herbs, tomato, cooked onions, sliced banana ( we won't judge ). Scatter the filling over the top of YOUR perfect omelette and fold gently in half with the spatula.Slide it on your plate and enjoy.

5 Open an omelette restaurant, because you my friend have mastered the arts of The omelette.



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