
Sundays are one of my best days of the week. We can actually rename it to 'get ourselves together day' because on a Sunday you can....

  • plan your week ( yes gurll, we are going to be organized )
  • prep your meals (money saver )
  • catch up on movies and series
  • stay in bed 
  • go for a walk, with the dogs
  • make a homemade mask
  • give yourself a mani and pedi (yep you just go to gurl )
  • clean around the house (don't go all crazy with window clean, just the basic dust off type of clean )
  • bake something nice (gluten free chocolate brownies )
  • take a long bath, with candles and music (let's keep it with acoustic music shall we, Friday nights we ACDC again )
  • have a homemade brunch ( okay.fine. You can have one Mimosa with your brunch) 

These are just a few of the things that you can do on a Sunday.On Saturdays you can  visit your family, catch up on childhood friends, but on a Sunday you get things together for the week.If you plan your week ahead you will come to realize that you won't feel so out of control and irritated the whole time.Planning is the best cure for stressed out people.If you plan ahead you will feel that you are getting things done, because let's be honest there is nothing better than ticking something of on your To do list ( or is it just me ). Do yourself a favor and take a piece of paper and pen and plan your week.You don't have to go all out just take it one thing day.Pin it against your fridge or save it on your phone. Oh yes if even  prep one meal per day it's will save you money and time ( aka you can sleep 10min longer SCORE !!).

So go on have yourself a 'get our stuff together day' it may be the best cure for you right now. Make tea, plan your week and set goals you will achieve.



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