
Thanks for loving me 'that' way , thanks for loving me in the way  I know was not right for me . I wish she knows what she is getting herself into . Did you also promise her the moon and stars ? like you did with me , funny story ,but I'm actually still waiting for mine . Does she make you laugh until your stomach aches , please lie to her like you lied to me , tell her what she wants to hear ,not what she needs to hear. Don't even bother to come and get your sweatpants that  you left here , because I'm afraid that I might,just might break your face with my fucking lighter . Tell her you love her , she needs to hear it because she is going to start questioning your love for her , don't tel her the password of your phone , she will only get hurt . I was dumb for letting you in , but sometimes we have to learn on the hard way , don't ever let her feel she is alone in a crowd full of people , it will brake her more then you would know . And when that time comes , when you had enough and you are bored with yourself ,letting her go not knowing what your are leaving behind , tell her it was your fault that it didn't work out, don't blame it on her . I truly fucking hope you figure out your life and that you get your shit together . You were good to me  , you were so good to me at one point in our life's together . I wanted to love you so unconditionally but you never let me and now I know why , I don't know if I should thank you for that . I'm not sure why I'm writing this letter to you.


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