Fruit salad

Okay so we are kind of over all the chicken salads.So let's try something more fruity... The recipe: Basically it's any fruit of your choice chopped into small pieces and thrown into a expensive bowl. Easier then that you will not get people. Please don't go overboard like your aunt Shelly and add your homemade vanilla custard. I'm sure it's a winner on it's own, but put it aside for now ( ps. cheat day is around the corner ). Don't let the words FRUIT SALAD fool you (I bet your are thinking "two healthy words next to each this is the golden ticket "). Remember ! to much of it can be just as bad as nuggets at McDonald's. So pace yourself... Some fruits that taste good together. (Yes, you are reading correct. I named the recipes from my creative side ) 1. Banana lama 3 cups of chopped straberries 1 cup of blueberries 2 bananas, peeled and sliced 1 apple, peeled and chopped 1 teaspoon of organic honey ...