Quick and easy lunch

It's that time of the day where you can hear how your tummy is going half mad for something to eat and Peter who is sitting next to you is eating his egg sandwich ( which we all now that his mom packed it in for him ). Now are we going to run to the nearest cafe and buy the quickest, over priced chicken salad there is ? No we are not. Wanna know why ? Because it's mid January and everyone is broke maybe after pay day we can afford a chicken salad but not today. So in this case we are going to prep our lunch the night before after we had our bubble bath with candles.

What you will need is ( all in budget )

-1 shredded chicken spiced with some paprika. salt and pepper ( nobody likes a tasteless chicken )
-as many tomato's as you like ( they are one of the things in life where you can eat as much as you like and the kJ stay low , so feest on them my friends )
- cucumber sliced ( good for staying hydrated)
-balsamic vinegar for salad dressing or pure olive oil

Yes, the chicken salad looks beter, but we will not fall into that trap this year. We will prep our lunch the night before and have a few more bucks for the weekends to spend.



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