2018, we are coming in hot..

Ladies it's that time of the year again!. All you get to read on your Instagram feed is "it;s a new year, new me' kind of stuff  but they still sit with the same sh*t.

Okay so we started with a new year about two weeks ago.The first week went well, we drank our 2 liters of water a day,we did our squads and ate that tasteless vegetables. We wrote down our goals and plans for 2018. Now ladies we live in a unrealistic , realistic kind of world ( that does not make any sense at all ) but let me try to explain it to you by setting a unrealistic ( good girl) and a realistic ( normal human being with life problems) 2018 goals list.

2018 (unrealistic)                                               2018 (realistic)
- no alcohol, before 15h00                               - drink alcohol 24/7 it keeps you going
- drink 2 liters of water a day                           - nahh alcohol is enough liquid
- eat ONLY steamed vegetables                       - no comment
- be friendly                                                      - nobody wants to be HAPPY SALLY all day
- start your day early                                         - with our luck we are probably are going to over sleep                                                                                 every morning this year
- be more active                                                - Maybe tomorrow                         
- don't sweat the small stuff                             - we don't sweat, we sparkle
- only one swear word a day                            - Seriously ?
-be romantic                                                     - Well get me someone to be romantic with then

So you kind of get where I'm going at right? You see ladies every year we get 365 new opportunities to f*ck things up. We learn from our mistakes (or so we hope) sometimes the hard way and sometimes we go back for more. You can be the unrealistic girl, trying to impress everyone like you did for the last couple of years and still don't understand why you are unhappy with that steamed vegetables or you can be the realistic girl who accepts the fact that life will never be the way you planned it.There will be mornings that you are going to over sleep and be late for work.The days are going to come when you can't even give a smile because it all feels to much. We all have our off days but it makes the good days so much worth it. This is your year, believe it. Maybe you have already f'cked up some of your opportunities but guess what sweetheart that is the only way you stay human.

Laugh more, live more and just do it

because we are coming in hot 2018 !!  watch this space



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